The drive to the parking lot.
We have a drive-up drop off at the main entrance door.
View of the main entrance from the parking lot.
View of the parking area from the main entrance area.
The Connection Center, located in the Narthex, gives information on current events and other church programs.
This is the office of our secretary, Robyn Ingram.
This door in the Narthex leads into the Sanctuary.
The view of the the Sanctuary from the back.
The view of the the Sanctuary from the front.
These double doors within our Narthex will lead you to the Restrooms, Library, Elevator, Fellowship Hall, and the Kitchen.
In our Library you will find many different resources. This is also where the Joy Class meets. This is one of our adult Sunday School classes.
Here is our Fellowship Hall. This room is used for many activities and programs within the church. The Open Door Adult Sunday School Class meets here after our worship service every Sunday.
Our main Kitchen is conveniently located right off of the Fellowship Hall.
To enter into the basement of Memorial, you will need to go down the stairs located in the Narthex. The Youth Room is located to your left at the bottom of the stairs. The Elevator, located by the Fellowship Hall, will also enter into this area.
When you turn right at the bottom of the stairs you will enter a hallway which will lead you to another set of restrooms, our secondary kitchen, children’s rooms, and our nursery.
Our secondary kitchen is mainly used for Children and Youth Ministry meals/snacks.
Our Nursery is staffed and accommodates ages Newborn – 3 years.
This is our Children’s Ministry area. Children (Preschool – 6th Grade) participate in worship and other activities led by the Minister to Children and other adult volunteers.